"원주민에 대한 불평등교육 시정하겠다" ▲호주 수상 Howard=Mr Howard said the new education programme was a key part of his plan to raise the generally poor living standards of Aborigines and remove some of the disadvantages they face. "Addressing disadvantage in education is a key step towards real reconciliation and improving the status and standard of living of indigenous Australians," Mr Howard said in a statement.(BBC News) http://news.bbc.co.uk
"컴퓨터에 너무 빠져들어 윤리교육이 소홀히 됐다" ▲뉴욕타임스 Mendels기자=Educators and policy experts say such efforts are necessary because schools have been so absorbed in the mechanics of bringing technology to the classroom and teaching students basic computer skills that ethics have often been neglected.(The New York Times) http://partners.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/02/cyber/education/16education.html
"학생운동이 정당에 이용되지 말아야" ▲말레이지아 부수상=Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said institutions of higher learning should keep an eye on students' activities to prevent them from being exploited by political parties. "Universities and colleges must know what their students are up to. Don't close your eyes because they have done something which contravenes the rules of their colleges and universities"(The Straits Times) http://straitstimes.asial.com.sg/asia/mal3_0329.html